Université Multiculturelle Internationale

Who publishes a book demonstrates his wisdom.


The professional doctorate, not to be confused with the research doctorate, sanctions a high expertise in a discipline, without necessary pretention to scientific research. Indeed, one can be doctus, or scientific expert, without having the vocation of a researcher in fundamental sciences. Nevertheless, one needs first to have demonstrated his expertise (generally by writing a book), and second that this has been recognised, for instance by a major editor.

There are essentially two types of professional doctors:

  • practitioners and consultants who synthetised their knowledge or their experience in a book accepted by a big publishing house (not self-published) and often forworded by an intellectual authority,

  • teachers and researchers who inventoried the state of the art in their discipline (for example for a research master) but didn't yet produce any original theory allowing them to present a research dissertation.

Therefore, by restauring the professional doctorate which had been discontinued in France and the francophone world, the Université Multiculturelle Internationale aims at contributing to:

  • remotivating the high-profile experts who cannot afford a French-type super-doctorate to get the supreme title,

  • stop the drain of middle-range doctorants towards the anglo-saxon system,

  • limit the production of imposed artificial intellectual abstract constructions damageable to the general representation of doctors,

  • restaure the degrees parity between francophone and anglophone experts in particular,

  • correct the under-estimation of French higher experts in comparison to 23 years old Asian and American "doctors".

Two hundred pages of a synthetic text, practical and concrete, like a consultant guide that needs to be useful enough to sell well, don't necessarily need less research than seven hundred pages of detailed analysis of the interest of a theoretical question, the process chosen to confront it, the running and the exploitation of the corresponding investigation and then the presentation of the answer to said question in a volume limited only by the storage capacity of the dusty library where all that will end up, even though it is in one case applied research and in the other fundamental research. And the reading comittee of a big publisher will not commit his image of seriousness on an unsafe and unsellable draft, more than a university dissertation director would do it for an undefendable pseudo-theory.

In France there is a distinction between, on one hand, the research doctorate, demanding at least eight years of study and moreover a personal contribution to the advancement of science in the considered discipline (generally by defending an original dissertation), and on the other hand, the practice doctorate ("doctorat d'exercice"), professional expertise degree that needs about six years of specialised studies (medicine, pharmacy, odontology) followed in some cases by a few years of application period (internship), like for public accountants. So the medical disciplines are the last ones that kept, in the form of the practice doctorate, the former speciality doctorate or third cycle doctorate, formerly prepared in one year after a research master, and with a level of intellectual demand higher than the former university doctorate but lower than the research doctorate ("doctorat d'état") which demanded an original contribution to humankind knowledge.

In the world the title of doctor was first given by the Church to the wisemen whose safety of judgement allowed them to teach the doctrine. So the doctor is a wiseman who is an authority (therefore an author and not a mere repetitor) and who teaches. If the Latin terms doctor and doctus, from "doceo" (I teach) evoque conduct, the Greek term didaktor designs specifically the teacher. A lot of countries with a pragmatical educational system (United States for example) call doctors the experts able to teach as well as the theoretical researchers, sometimes with a distinction between two orientations (or even two levels) of doctorates, a professional doctorate and a research doctorate. Other systems (English or Australian for example) distinguish between doctors in applied science and doctors in fundamental science. And some university systems separate, after the equivalent of a French former second cycle (four or five years degree), two parallel curricula of the same length, one of which leading to the professional title of master and the other one to the scientific title of doctor, like for example in Argentina where the titles of Maestría and Doctorado correspond to the same length of study (two years after the Licenciatura) but with a distinct orientation, practice in one case and theory in the other one. On the contrary, in Italy the term of "dottore" has been used for all graduated, from the level of "laurea" (three years after the baccalaureate), "specializzazione" (five years), and of course "dottorato di ricerca" (eight years).

The Université Multiculturelle Internationale, after being the first francophone university to proceed to the "validation des acquis de l'expérience" accreditation of prior learning, and then the first francophone university to issue a European diploma supplement personalised for each individual profile, restaured since 2012 the professional doctorate, delivered according to the modalities defined in 1954.

If you are not so yet, it should not take long before you be. Any published book (except artistic or self-published) is worth a professional doctorate. If you aim at a university degree allowing you to write the title of Dr. on your visit card or on the back cover, rather than a state degree for the habilitation to lead scientific investigations, you can have your doctorate in hands next month, without moving from your place.

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